Verse 15. To execute judgment upon all.

The object of the coming of the Lord is here given. To execute judgment is to pass sentence. This was to be upon all. I take it, the "all" here means the "all" upon whom a judgment of condemnation shall be rendered. While it is true all, in its full sense, will appear before God and be judged, all will not receive the same sentence, for all will not be condemned; only the guilty will suffer punishment. See the succeeding clauses.

To convince all that are ungodly.

That is, convict. This, of course, follows a righteous investigation. No guilty will escape; no innocent will suffer.

1. The ungodly will be convicted of all their ungodly deeds.

2. The ungodly will be convicted of all their false, profane, impious and blasphemous speeches made by them as ungodly sinners against Christ; sentence follows this conviction. The sentence is the righteous judgment of God and includes the punishment. It brings before our vision once more the Savior's declaration concerning the sheep and the goats at the last day. All these things Enoch, the seventh from Adam, brought to the attention of the people in his day. So affirms the apostle Jude.


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Old Testament