
Verse 16. These are murmurers, complainers.

To make the idea intended to be communicated in this verse stand out more prominently, I have given the Syriac translation. "These are they who murmur and complain of everything, while they walk according to their lusts, and their mouth speaketh shocking things, and they flatter people for the sake of gain." Now, it is plain that after Jude dismisses the prophecy of Enoch, he returns to the consideration of the false teachers, against whom he was warning the brethren, and this verse contains a further portraiture of the character of such. They were murmurers and complainers. They murmur at God, and they complain that their lot is not different. They walk in their own filthy and besotted way while so complainng, and at the same time are uttering pompous and self-laudatory speeches, claiming super-excellence of knowledge, and all the time are hypocritically praising and flattering people, with the hope of extorting from them worldly gain.

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Old Testament