in the house of their gods In Samuel (more definitely) "in the house (orhouses) of Ashtaroth," Ashtaroth being the plural of Ashtoreth, a goddess, who seems here to bear a martial character. She was apparently consort of the Phœnician Baal (Judges 2:13; Judges 10:6).

fastened his headin the temple of Dagon(lit. Beth-Dagon)] In Sam. fastened his body to the wall of Beth-shan. The reading of Chron. is almost certainly a misreading of the text of Sam., yet the fact stated by the Chronicler is probably true. Saul's body was fixed to the wall of Beth-shan (Sam.), but his head (lit. his skull) and his armour (Chron.; cp. 1 Samuel 31:9) were probably sent into Philistia to be distributed as trophies among the Philistine temples. Beth-shan is N.E. of Gilboa, about four miles distant from the Jordan, and about a day's march (1 Samuel 31:12) from Jabesh (1 Chronicles 10:11), which was situated on the other side of Jordan in Gilead.

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