the Harorite Read, the Herodite (so Sam.). Cp. Judges 6:23; Judges 7:1, whence it appears that Harod was in (or near) the valley of Jezreel. Cp. also 1 Chronicles 27:8 ("Shamhuth the Izrahite"), where the same person seems to be meant. "Elika the Harodite" (Sam.) is not found in Chron.

Helez the Pelonite Cp. 1 Chronicles 27:10, where he is described as a captain of the children of Ephraim. In 2 Samuel 23:26 however it is Helez the Paltite, i.e. (apparently) "the inhabitant of Beth-pelet" in the south of Judah (Joshua 15:27).

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