1 Chronicles 25:1

1 Chronicles 25:1-7. The Families of the Singers 1. _Moreover David_ Render, AND DAVID. _separated_ Cp. 1 Chronicles 23:13, note. _to the service of the sons of Asaph_ R.V. FOR THE SERVICE CERTAIN OF THE SONS OF ASAPH. _psalteries_ See 1 Chronicles 13:8, note. _of the workmen_ R.V. OF THEM THAT... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 25:2

_Asaph_ See 1 Chronicles 15:17, note. _Asarelah_ R.V. ASHARELAH; in 1 Chronicles 25:14 "Jesharelah." _under the hands_ R.V. UNDER THE HAND. _prophesied_ i.e. sang and praised in the manner of prophets; cp. 1 Chronicles 25:3, "prophesied with a harp, to give thanks and to praise the Lord." There i... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 25:3

_Jeduthun_ See 1 Chronicles 16:41, note. _Zeri_ In 1 Chronicles 25:11 "Izri." _Jeshaiah_ After this LXX. B inserts the name "Shimei" (Σεμεεὶ), no doubt rightly for (1) six sons are reckoned in this verse, (2) the "Shimei" of 1 Chronicles 25:17 is otherwise unmentioned in 1 Chronicles 25:2-4, thoug... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 25:4

_Heman_ See 1 Chronicles 15:17, note. _Uzziel_ In 1 Chronicles 25:18 "Azarel." (R.V.) The variation between the two words when written with Hebrew consonants is small. Cp. note on 2 Chronicles 26:1 ("Uzziah" and "Azariah"). _Shebuel_ In 1 Chronicles 25:20 "Shubael." _Jerimoth_ In 1 Chronicles 25:... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 25:5

_the king's seer_ This title is given to Gad in 1 Chronicles 21:9, and to Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun, all three in 2 Chronicles 35:15 (LXX. not Heb.). _in the words of God_ The exact meaning of this is uncertain; it may either mean "in divine things" (i.e. arrangements for worship), or "by divine ap... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 25:7

_in the songs of the Lord_ R.V. IN SINGING UNTO THE LORD. _cunning_ R.V. SKILFUL; as 1 Chronicles 15:22, where the same Heb. word is used. _two hundred fourscore and eight_ The number corresponds with the twenty-four courses of twelve members each about to be enumerated.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 25:8-31

The Allotment of the Courses 8. _ward against_ward] R.V. (guessing the sense rightly) FOR THEIR CHARGES (i.e. duties), ALL ALIKE. The Hebrew text however is faulty. _the teacher as the scholar_ LXX. τελείων καὶ μανθανόντων (i.e. _the initiated and the learners_). For "the teacher" we should perhap... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 25:9

_for Asaph_ A comparison of 1 Chronicles 25:9-31 with 1 Chronicles 25:2-4 shews that the first, third, fifth and seventh lots fell to Asaph, the second, fourth, eighth, tenth, twelfth and fourteenth to Jeduthun, and the rest (fourteen in number) to Heman.... [ Continue Reading ]

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