1 Chronicles 6 - Introduction

The Genealogies of the Tribes of Israel The Chronicler deals very unequally with the tribes in their genealogies; as the following table shews: 1 Chronicles 2:1 to 1 Chronicles 4:23. Judah (102 verses). 1 Chronicles 4:24-43. Simeon (20 verses). 1 Chronicles 5:1-26. Reuben, Gad, and Eastern Manas... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:1

1 Chronicles 6:1-15 (5:27 41 according to the Heb. division). The Descent of the High-priests from Levi. Their Line to the Captivity Clearly the list of highpriests given in 1 Chronicles 6:4-14 is not exhaustive. (1) In the first place allowing 20 years for each generation mentioned we get a space... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:3

_Aaron and Moses_ The same order in Exodus 6:20. Aaron was the elder (Exodus 7:7). _The sons also of Aaron_ So Exodus 6:23. _Nadab and Abihu_ These two elder sons perished childless; Leviticus 10:1-5.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:8

_Ahitub begat Zadok_ From 2 Samuel 8:17; 2 Samuel 15:29; 2 Samuel 20:25 it appears that there were two highpriests in David's day; Zadok however is always mentioned before his colleague. _Ahimaaz_ 2 Samuel 15:27; 2 Samuel 17:17-21; 2 Samuel 18:19 ff.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:9

_Azariah_ This Azariah rather than the Azariah of 1 Chronicles 6:10 would have been contemporary with Solomon, and therefore the notice attached to the name Azariah in 1 Chronicles 6:10 (_he it is that executed the priest's office in the_ HOUSE _that Solomon built in Jerusalem_) may really belong to... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:14

_Seraiah_ slain soon after the capture of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans; 2 Kings 25:18-21; Jeremiah 52:24-27. _Jehozadak Jozadak_in Ezra 3:2; Ezra 5:2. His son Jeshua was the first highpriest after the exile.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:16-3

(1 Chronicles 6:1-15 according to the Heb. division). The three clans of the Levites. The Levitic Descent of Samuel the Prophet 16. _Gershom_ elsewhere _Gershon. Gershom_was the name of Moses" son; Exodus 2:22.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:22

_Kohath; Amminadab … Korah_ In 1 Chronicles 6:37-38 the descent is traced as in Numbers 16:1, Kohath, Izhar, Korah. Korah was the leader of the Levitic uprising against Moses.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:26

_Zophai his son_, etc.] We have here one of the three genealogies of Samuel the prophet. Each list seems to have suffered in transcription; the three are given here for comparison. 1 Chronicles 6:26-28 1 Chronicles 6:33-35 1 Samuel 1:1; 1 Samuel 8:2. Zophai Zuph Zuph Nahath Toah Tohu Eliab... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:31-3

(16, 17 according to the Heb. division). David's Singers 31. _the ark had rest_ i.e. was brought into the city of David for a permanent resting-place.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:33-3

(18 23 according to the Heb. division). The descent of Heman, David's singer, through Kohath from Levi 33. _a singer_ R.V. THE SINGER. _Shemuel_ R.V. SAMUEL, the well-known prophet being the person meant. _Samuel_is a form derived from the LXX. through the Latin Vulgate; but _Shemuel_is a more cor... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:47-4

(29 32 according to the Heb. division). The Descent of Ethan, David's singer, through Merari from Levi 47. _Mahli, the son of Mushi_ Cp. 1 Chronicles 23:23; 1 Chronicles 24:30. Mushi had a son Mahli, named after his brother; 1 Chronicles 6:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:48-4

(33, 34 according to the Heb. division). The distinction between Levites and Aaronites 48. _Their brethren also the Levites_ R.V. AND THEIR BRETHREN THE LEVITES, i.e. and the other Levites. _appointed_ Heb. GIVEN, in allusion to Numbers 3:9; Numbers 18:6. _unto all_manner of _service_ R.V. FOR AL... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:49

_the altar of the burnt offering_ Exodus 27:1-8. _the altar of incense_ Exodus 30:1-10. _to make an atonement_ R.V. TO MAKE ATONEMENT; Exodus 30:10; Leviticus 16.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:50-5

(35 38 according to the Heb. division). The Line of Aaron to Ahimaaz This is a fragment, slightly changed in wording, of the genealogy given in 1 Chronicles 6:4-14. It goes as far as the reign of David, or perhaps that of Solomon.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:54-6

(Joshua 21:10-19). The [thirteen] cities of the Aaronites 54. _throughout their castles_ R.V. ACCORDING TO THEIR ENCAMPMENTS. The Heb. word is used of the circular encampments of nomads. _their coasts_ R.V. THEIR BORDERS. _the lot_ R.V. THE first LOT (cp. Joshua 21:4; Joshua 21:10).... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:54-8

(39 66 according to the Heb. division). The forty-eight Levitic cities This section has been adopted with some rearrangement from the parallel passage in Joshua. In Joshua the number of cities taken from each group of tribes and given to its respective division of the Levites is first stated, no ci... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:57

_the cities of Judah_, namely, _Hebron_, the city _of refuge_ Render (with a slight correction of the Hebrew) THE CITY OF REFUGE, HEBRON (cp. Joshua 21:13), Hebron being the only city of refuge here mentioned (Joshua 20:7). _Libnah_ Jos 10:29; 2 Kings 8:22; 2 Kings 19:8. It was in the S.W. of Judah... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:58

_Hilen_ In Joshua 21:15 _Holon_. _Debir_ called _Kiriath-sepher_(Judges 1:11) and _Kiriath-sannah_(Joshua 15:49). It was in the hill-country of Judah.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:59

_Ashan_ Joshua 21:16, _Ain_. _with her suburbs_ Joshua 21:16 adds, _And Juttah with her suburbs_. Cp. the Critical Note at the head of this section. _Beth-shemesh_ Joshua 15:10; 1Sa 6:9; 2 Kings 14:11; 2 Kings 14:13 (2 Chronicles 25:21; 2 Chronicles 25:23). A town in the S.W. of Judah, now - _Ain S... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:60

_of Benjamin, Geba_ In Joshua 21:17 _Gibeon and her suburbs_is inserted before _Geba_. Cp. the Critical Note at the head of this section. _Alemeth_ In Joshua 21:18, _Almon_. _thirteen cities_ Cp. the Critical Note at the head of this section.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:61-6

(cp. Joshua 21:26; Joshua 21:33; Joshua 21:40). Distribution of thirty-five other cities to the rest of the Levites 61. _the sons of Kohath which were left_ R.V. THE REST OF THE SONS OF KOHATH, i.e. the Kohathites who were not _sons of Aaron_(1 Chronicles 6:54). _of the family_, etc.] R.V. WERE GI... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:63

_twelve cities_ The total number of Levitic cities (1 Chronicles 6:60 thirteen, 1 Chronicles 6:61 ten, 1 Chronicles 6:62 thirteen, 1 Chronicles 6:63 twelve) was forty-eight (so Joshua 21:41), of which the Kohathites, as the largest division (cp. 1 Chronicles 15:5, note), received twenty-three or nea... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:65

_by lot_ as a means of gaining Divine sanction for the assignment of cities. _which are coiled by_their _names_ R.V. WHICH ARE MENTIONED BY NAME, i.e. above and below.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:66-7

(Joshua 21:20-25). The [ten] cities of the non-Aaronite Kohathites 66. the residue _of the families_ R.V. SOME OF THE FAMILIES. _of their coasts_ R.V. OF THEIR BORDERS.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:67

_gave … of the cities of refuge, Shechem_ Render (with a slight correction of the Hebrew) GAVE … THE CITY OF REFUGE, SHECHEM. Cp. 1 Chronicles 6:57, note. _Shechem_ Genesis 12:6; Genesis 33:18; Joshua 24:1; Jdg 9:1; 1 Kings 12:1. Shechem is the modern Nabulus, situated almost in the middle of Pales... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:68

_Jokmeam_ In Joshua 21:22 _Kibzaim_. The two words resemble one another more closely in Hebrew, and are to be taken as various readings of the same name. Nothing is known of a _Kibzaim_in Ephraim. A _Jokmeam_is mentioned 1 Kings 4:12. _Beth-horon_ Joshua 10:10-11; Joshua 16:3; Joshua 16:5; 1Ma 3:24... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:70

_the half tribe of Manasseh_ the western half tribe; the eastern is mentioned 1 Chronicles 6:71. _Aner_ Read TAANACH, as in 1 Chronicles 7:29; Joshua 21:25, R.V.); Judges 5:19. _Bileam_ called Ibleam, Jdg 1:27; 2 Kings 9:27. In Joshua 21:25, _Gath-rimmon_.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:71-7

(Joshua 21:27-32). The thirteen cities of the sons of Gershom 71. _Golan_ a city of refuge, Joshua 21:27. The name of this city is still preserved in _Jolan_(_Jaulan_), the name of a district E. of Jordan extending from Hermon to the Jarmuk. _Ashtaroth_ mentioned in Joshua 9:10 as the capital of O... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:72

_Kedesh_ Read KISHION with Joshua 21:28 (so _ibid_. Joshua 19:20). _Daberath_ the modern Dabûriyeh at the foot of Mount Tabor. Cp. _Bädeker_, p. 248.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:73

_Ramoth Jarmuth_in Joshua 21:29. _Anem_ Read EN-GANNIM with Joshua 21:29. Probably the modern large village of _Jenîn_on the edge of the plain of Esdrelon. Cp. _Bädeker_, p. 227.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:76

_Kedesh in Galilee_ called _Kedesh-naphtali_in Judges 4:6; it is the modern _Kedes_, situated on a lofty plateau overlooking the waters of _Ḥûleh_(_Merom_). It was a city of refuge, Joshua 21:32. _Hammon … Kirjathaim_ In Joshua 21:32, _Hammoth-dor … Kartan_.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:77-8

(Joshua 21:34-39). The [twelve] cities of the sons of Merari 77. _Rimmon … Tabor_ Against these two names there are four in Joshua 21:34-35; _Jokneam, Kartah, Dimnah_and _Nahalal_. As regards the number of the cities the text of Joshua is certainly right. See Critical Note on 1 Chronicles 6:54-81.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 6:78

_by Jericho_ The crossing-place of the Jordan nearest to Reuben was at Jericho. For the phrase _Jordan by Jericho_cp. Joshua 16:1. _in the wilderness_ further defined by the addition _in the table-land_(Deuteronomy 4:43, R.V. mg.). Bezer was among the high pasture lands of Reuben. It was a city of... [ Continue Reading ]

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