1 Chronicles 8 - Introduction

The Genealogies of the Tribes of Israel The Chronicler deals very unequally with the tribes in their genealogies; as the following table shews: 1 Chronicles 2:1 to 1 Chronicles 4:23. Judah (102 verses). 1 Chronicles 4:24-43. Simeon (20 verses). 1 Chronicles 5:1-26. Reuben, Gad, and Eastern Manas... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 8:1

1 Chronicles 8:1-40 (cp. 1 Chronicles 7:6-12). The Genealogy of Benjamin. The Benjamite Families which dwelt in Jerusalem 1. _Bela … Ashbel … Aharah_ See 1 Chronicles 7:6, notes.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 8:6

_And these are the sons of Ehud Ehud_(the deliverer of Israel from Moab) was descended from _Gera_(1 Chronicles 8:5; Judges 3:15). His genealogy is given somewhat fully. _they ramoved them_ R.V. THEY CARRIED THEM CAPTIVE. Probably some words have fallen out; we cannot say who carried whom captive.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 8:12

_Ono, and Lod_ Ezra 2:33; Nehemiah 7:37; Nehemiah 11:35. The two places were evidently well-known in post-exilic times, and were doubtless near together. _Lod_is the _Lydda_of the N.T. (Acts 9:32). Targ. adds, _which the sons of Israel laid waste and burnt with fire, when they made war in Gibeah wit... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 8:13

_of the fathers_ R.V. OF FATHERS " houses, as in 1 Chronicles 8:10. _drove away_ R.V. PUT TO FLIGHT. Probably an allusion to some fight the memory of which was kept alive in local song. Cp. 1 Chronicles 7:21-22. _Aijalon_ Jos 10:12; 1 Samuel 14:31.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 8:14

_And Ahio_ LXX., _and his brother_. This verse is probably corrupt. If however we read _And Elpaal his brother_for _And Ahio_(cp. 1 Chronicles 8:18), and _Jeroham_for _Jeremoth_(cp. 1 Chronicles 8:27), we then find in 1 Chronicles 8:13 _a_and 1 Chronicles 8:14 five names corresponding (with one tran... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 8:28

_of the fathers, by their generations_ R.V. OF FATHERS " houses THROUGHOUT THEIR GENERATIONS. _These dwelt in Jerusalem_ i.e. in the writer's day the heads of families enumerated in 1 Chronicles 8:15-27 dwelt in Jerusalem. Cp. 1 Chronicles 9:2-3; Nehemiah 11:1-8. But the words may be a gloss brough... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 8:30

_and Baal_ Add with LXX. (A) and 1 Chronicles 9:36 AND NER. LXX. (B) shews that a word is missing after _Baal_for it reads Βααλακαίμ (Βαὰλ καὶ N …?).... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 8:32

_with their brethren_etc.] i.e. with some of their brethren in Jerusalem over against other of their brethren in Gibeon and other places. 1 Chronicles 8:32 _b_. looks like the heading of a list which has been lost. _over against them_ R.V. OVER AGAINST THEIR BRETHREN.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 8:33-4

(cp. 1 Chronicles 9:39-44). The Genealogy of the House of Saul 33. _Abinadab_ So in 1 Samuel 31:2, but in 1 Samuel 14:49 R.V., _Ishvi_. _Eshbaal_ In 2 Samuel 2:8 called _Ish-bosheth_. Cp. 1 Chronicles 7:6, note on _Jediael_(_Ashbel_), In the (more generally read) Sam. text the offensive name _Eshba... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 8:34

_Merib-baal_ A name meaning "Baal pleadeth"; in ch. 1 Chronicles 9:40 _b_(Heb.) it is written _Meri-baal_, i.e. "Man of Baal." The person meant seems to be _Mephibosheth_(2 Samuel 9:6; 2 Samuel 9:12).... [ Continue Reading ]

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