they sacrifice to devils, and not to God Third reason. The worship of idols is a worship of devils. The words here used are found in Deuteronomy 32:17, and similar ones are found in the Septuagint version of Psalms 96:5; cf. Psalms 106:37. The point of the argument is shewn in the last words of this sentence, - and not to God". As they were not sacrificed to God, they were sacrificed to His enemies, the -evil spirits," -dæmons," not -devils" properly, for this word is confined to the -prince of this world" (St John 12:31), -which is the Devil, and Satan" [134] (Revelation 20:2). Such beings as these are no mere conceptions of the fancy, but have a real and active existence. Their power over humanity when Christ came was great indeed. Not only was their master the Prince of this world (see above and cf. St Luke 4:6), but the fact of demoniacal possession was a proof at once of their existence and influence upon man.

[134] See note on St Matthew 4:24 in Mr Carr's Commentary in this series.

fellowship Translated communionin 1 Corinthians 10:16. See note on ch. 1 Corinthians 1:9.

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