that ye come not together unto condemnation Rather, as margin, judgment. The same word is used here as in 1 Corinthians 11:29.

And the rest will I set in order when I come Great changes in the order of administration of Holy Communion were rendered necessary by the abuses which so soon sprang up in the Christian Church. From an evening meal it became an early morning gathering (see Pliny, Ep. x. 42, 43), who says that in his day (about a.d. 110) the Christians were accustomed to meet "before it was light." (Cf. "antelucanis coetibus" Tertullian, de Coronâ3.) And the Agapae were first separated from the Lord's Supper and then finally abolished altogether. See Neander, Hist. of the Church, vol. 1. §. 3, who remarks that in the earliest account we have of the mode in which Holy Communion was celebrated (in the Apology of Justin Martyr, written about a.d. 150) there is no mention of the Agapae. Similarly Gieseler, Compendium of Eccl. Hist., sec. 53, note. "So the formof the primitive practice was altered, in order to save the spirit of the original institution." Stanley.

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