The first man is of the earth, earthy See Genesis 2:7. The word earthy(χοϊκός from χοῦς dust) is an allusion to the -dust of the ground" in that passage, in the Septuagint χους.

the second man is the Lord from heaven The Vulgate reads, is from heaven, heavenly, Tyndale follows the Vulgate, and also Wiclif, who translates however, the secunde man of heuene is heueneli. Alford reads the second man is from heaven, with the majority of MSS. and versions. The law of progress, above referred to, is illustrated by the creation of the second man. The first man was -dust of the ground," and God breathed a breath of life into his soul. But the second man is not created anew altogether, but takes the first man as the starting-point of the new life. By the agency of the Holy Spirit Jesus Christ took our flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin, being a new creation, but not directlyfrom heaven. See note on 1 Corinthians 15:21. This passage bears a strong resemblance to St John 3:31; and in the reading we have mentioned the resemblance is even stronger than in the authorized version. The margin of St John 3:3 may also be compared.

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