yet so as by fire The absolute equality of all in the world to come is no part of St Paul's system. -One star differeth from another star in glory" (ch. 1 Corinthians 15:41). But the history of the Apostle himself is a sufficient evidence that God will not punish with the loss of His presence the man who has acted up to the highest dictates of a conscience not yet fully enlightened. The work perishes, but he who believed himself to be actively serving God when in fact he was doing nothing shall not be driven into the outer darkness. "Sincerity does not verify doctrine, but it saves the man; his person is accepted, though his work perish." Robertson. Yet he will be saved -so as by fire." Surely the -smell of fire" may be said to pass on him who sees all those works which he so honestly believed to be for God vanishing as worthless stubble in the searching trial which will -purge away all the dross" of our human doings, and leave only what is of real value in God's sight.

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