I verily, as absent in body Cf. Colossians 2:5; 1 Thessalonians 2:17. Here we have the method of excommunication pursued in the Apostolic Church. It is important to observe it narrowly. First, it is to be remarked that the Apostle is acting not only as the president, but as the founder of the Corinthian Church. Next we remark that the whole Church at Corinth was associated with him in the work. "When ye are gathered together, and my spirit." Hence it came to pass that in primitive times it was usual for such acts of discipline to be carried out in the presence of the Church or congregation in which the offender was accustomed to worship. Thirdly, it is observable that such excommunication was pronounced -in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ," that is, with His authority and in accordance with His Divine Law of purity and love, whereby, while hating the sin, He desired to convert the offender.

have judged already This may either be taken (1) as in the Authorized Version, with the word concerninginserted before him that hath so done this deed, or (2) these last words may be regarded as the accusative after "deliver," and the word "judged" taken absolutely. The former appears preferable, but the whole passage is very intricate.

concerning him that hath so done this deed Literally, he that hath perpetrated this deed in such a manner, i.e. as though to add to the guilt and shame of it by his way of doing it.

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