And this is the record Better, as R.V., And the witness is this, as in 1 John 5:9: this is what the external witness of God, when it is internally appropriated by the believer, consists in; viz. the Divine gift of eternal life.

eternal life See on 1 John 1:2 and on John 3:36; John 5:24. -Hath given" is more literally gave; but perhaps this is a case in which the English perfect may represent the Greek aorist. But at any rate -gave" must not be weakened into -offered", still less into -promised". The believer already possesses eternal life.

this life is in his Son This is a new independent statement, coordinate with the first clause: it is not, like the second clause, dependent upon the first. Eternal life has its seat and source in the Son, who is the -Prince" or -Author of life" (Acts 3:15): see on John 1:4; John 5:26.

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