The chapter falls into two parts. The first twelve verses form the last section of the second main division of the Epistle, God is Love (1 John 2:29 to 1 John 5:12): the last nine verses form the conclusion and summary of the whole. Some editors break up the first part of the chapter into two sections, 1 5 and 6 12, but texts and versions seem to be right in giving the whole as one paragraph. The second part does contain two smaller sections, 13 17 and 18 21. We may analyse the chapter therefore as follows: Faith is the Source of Love, the Victory over the World, and the Possession of Life(1 12). Conclusion and Summary: Intercessory Love the Fruit of Faith and of the Possession of Life(13 17); The Sum of the Christian's Knowledge(18 20); Final Practical Injunction(21).

It will be observed that in the middle of the first section we have what looks at first sight a digression and yet is intimately connected with the main subject of the section. This main subject is Faith, a word which (strangely enough) occurs nowhere else in S. John's Epistles, nor in his Gospel. And faith necessarily implies witness. Only on the strength of testimony is faith possible. Therefore in this paragraph on Faith and its effects the Apostle gives in detail the various kinds of witness on which the Christian's faith is based (6 12). The paragraph shews plainly S. John's view of the relation of Faith to Love. The two are inseparable. Faith that does not lead to Love, Love that is not based on Faith, must come to nothing.

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