if this people go up to do sacrifice There appears to have been no thought in the popular mind that the choice of a different ruler for the ten tribes would break their connexion with the worship at the Temple. So that we must judge the Temple to have now become the onerecognised place for worship. The R.V. represents the Hebrew more closely by rendering to offer sacrifices.

then shall the heart of this people turn After the first excitement of the revolt was over, and Jeroboam had begun to exercise lordship in his turn, the attraction of the Temple, and the prestige of the older family, and especially the glories attaching to the house of David would begin to reassert their power. Jeroboam expresses this feeling when he still calls Rehoboam -their lord."

they shall kill me When they have begun to repent of the step which they have taken at my leading. Such reaction of feeling is more common in Eastern than in Western minds.

and go again to Rehoboam king of Judah The LXX. omits these words. The title -king of Judah" is first used in this chapter, here and above in 1 Kings 12:23.

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