Jeroboam goes on in his evil way (Not in Chronicles)

33. made again of the lowest of the people R.V. made again from among all the people. See note on 1 Kings 12:31 above.

he consecrated him The Hebrew expression is -he filled his hand." See margin of A.V. The idea is -he intrusted this solemn office to his charge."

and he becameone of the priests of the high places The insertion of the italic -one of" shews that the construction is irregular. The R.V. gives, that there might be priests of the high places. But the awkwardness of the Hebrew which has the verb in the singular and the noun in the plural is not removed thereby. It can be explained but not imitated in a translation. -Whosoever would" in the previous clause is singular in form but plural in notion. Hence the latter portion of the verse says -whosoever would he became," but as there were many who did so, the result was not one priest but many -priests of the high places."

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