wrapped his face in his mantle The revelation was not one for the eye, but for the spirit, of the prophet. Like Moses -he was afraid to look upon God" (Exodus 3:6).

in the entering in of the cave The command given before had been -Go forth and stand upon the mount," but this only applies to such an advance as would bring him out of the cave and into the open air, not to any climbing to the mountain top.

What doest thou here? This repeated question seeks to know whether the prophet has understood the manifestations that have been made to him, and whether he is able to apply them to his own circumstances. The answer coming in the same words as before seems to declare that Elijah is still ignorant of what is meant. God therefore gives him direct charges which shall make it clear that, though his own success has not been such as he expected, yet God's work is still going forward and that new agents are already prepared, in Jehovah's design, for advancing it as He sees best.

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