God's revelation and direction to Elijah (Not in Chronicles)

9. unto a cave The Hebrew has the article, and this is represented in the LXX. by τὸ σπήλαιον -the cave." It is very likely that by Elijah's time tradition had fixed on a definite place as that -cleft of the rock" in which Moses stood (Exodus 33:22) when Jehovah passed by. If this were so the place would be deemed very sacred, and would be most appropriate to that divine explanation now to be given to Elijah. For to him was to be presented another Theophany. Some have suggested, as an explanation of the definite description, that the cave had already become a resort of pilgrims to Horeb, but for this there appears no evidence.

What doest thou here? An opportunity is given to Elijah to open his whole heart. The question here must have a different force from that which it bears after the manifestation of God's presence in 1 Kings 19:13. Here it must signify -Why art thou thus cast down?" -Has thy knowledge of Jehovah gone no farther than to see Him only in works of vengeance?"

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