Jehoshaphat … came down to the king of Israel The writer speaks as though Jerusalem was still regarded as the capital-city of the whole nation. To leave it and go elsewhere was -to go down."

The Chronicler and Josephus connect this visit with the mention of Jehoshaphat's -affinity with" Ahab. Jehoram, Jehoshaphat's son had married Ahab's daughter, Athaliah. And after this event the king of Judah paid his visit to Samaria. The reception is described in Chronicles as a scene of great profusion, and Josephus speaks of troops (στρατὸς) which accompanied Jehoshaphat. Probably the subject of the war against Syria had been discussed before the meeting of the two kings. The Chronicler says -Ahab persuadedJehoshaphat to go up with him to Ramoth-gilead."

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