Baana the son of Ahilud Probably the brother of Jehoshaphat the recorder mentioned in 1 Kings 4:3.

Taanach and Megiddo These places are both inland to the east of Dor, Megiddo being a little north of Taanach which lies in the valley of Esdraelon. Cf. Judges 5:19 -Taanach by the waters of Megiddo." Beth-sheanis still further east nearer to the Jordan, and Zartanahis no doubt Zarethan or Zarthan (Joshua 3:16), which must have been close to the Jordan. Abel-meholahis south from Beth-shean in the Jordan valley. The name Jokneamshould be, on the authority both of Hebrew, Septuagint and Vulgate, written Jokmeam. This place is mentioned 1 Chronicles 6:68, but in the parallel passage Joshua 21:22 Kibzaimis given instead. In both passages the place is assigned as one of the Levitical cities in the tribe of Ephraim, which would suit entirely with the text of the present verse, as it would then be in the same district as Zarthan and Abel-meholah, whereas Jokneamlies to the north of the ridge of Carmel, not far from the coast of the Mediterranean. The scribe's confusion between Jokmeam יקמעם and Kibzaim קבצים is not difficult to understand on looking at the forms in Hebrew.

Instead of the italics to him pertainedat the beginning of this verse, it is simpler to substitute in, which stands in all the previous verses.

beneath Jezreel implies that the place or district so described lay in the plain country stretching south of Jezreel. That city was built on a small height and looked south over the plain of Esdraelon.

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