Shisha This name appears as Shavsha(1 Chronicles 18:16) and as Sheva(2 Samuel 20:25). A comparison of those verses with 2 Samuel 8:17, shews that the person meant was also called Seraiah, from which word the other forms are probably copyists" corruptions. Seraiah's office had descended to his sons, as was so often the case among the Jews. With the growth of the kingdom since David's time the duties of the royal scribe, or secretary, would have been much increased; we can therefore understand that two persons were needed for the office instead of one.

Jehoshaphat He had held the same office in the days of David. See 2 Samuel 8:16; 2 Samuel 20:24. The duties of the recorder, or remembrancer, were to keep records of such events as were important in the history of the country. Such annals have afforded, no doubt, a good deal of the matter for Kings and Chronicles. Such was the -book of records of the Chronicles" (Esther 6:1) in which Mordecai's service was registered, and from which it was read out to Ahasuerus.

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