the children of the east country i.e. The Chaldæans and Arabians who from early times were noted for their astrological investigations and for their wisdom. Job is spoken of as among these children of the east (Job 1:3) and the character of their wisdom and scientific learning may be gathered in some degree from the speeches of his friends. Pythagoras is said to have visited Arabia and derived from thence some of the precepts of his philosophy. From the same quarter came -the wise men" unto Bethlehem when Christ was born (Matthew 2:1).

wisdom of Egypt We read of -the wise men and sorcerers" of Pharaoh as early as Exodus 7:11, and -the wise men of Egypt" are mentioned (Genesis 41:8) in the history of Joseph, and the tradition of Egyptian wisdom is noticed in Stephen's speech (Acts 7:22).

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