and the tabernacle of the congregation Better, as in other places, the Tent of meeting. This consecrated tent, which had up to this time stood in Gibeon, was now taken down, and the curtains and poles of which it consisted seem to have been brought to the Temple to be preserved. There was probably room enough for their bestowal in the -side chambers" which enclosed the Temple on three sides. Others have suggested a chamber above the most holy place. We have nothing to guide us to a conclusion either in history or tradition. A tradition which points to the preservation of the Tent is found Malachi 2:4; Malachi 2:4.

those did the priests and the Levites bring up In the parallel passage in 1 Chronicles 5:5, the conjunction -and" is omitted and special attention is called to Deuteronomy 17:18, where, and in subsequent places of the same book -the priests the Levites" are spoken of. It is noteworthy that Josephus speaks only of the Levites, until the ark is to be brought within the most holy place. Then, he says, all the rest withdrew and the priests carried it to its resting-place. He also describes the procession, and how the road was drenched with libations and with the blood of many sacrifices, while the abundant burning of incense filled all the air with fragrance so that people at a great distance could note that God was, as men would judge, changing His abode and coming to dwell in the house which had been newly built and dedicated to Him. The LXX. (Vat.) omits nearly the whole of 1 Kings 8:2-3, and also a portion of 1 Kings 8:4.

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