three bullocks We may conjecture that one was intended for a burnt-offering, one for the "sacrifice in performing a vow," and one for a peace-offering. See Numbers 15:8.

one ephah of flour According to Josephus, the ephah contained about 8½ gallons, according to Jewish authorities about 4½ gallons. The smaller estimate is probably correct. Three tenth parts of an ephah of flour were to be offered with each bullock (Numbers 15:9) as a "meat-offering" (minchah).

a bottle of wine i.e. a skin-bottle, which would hold a considerable quantity. The prescribed drink-offering with each bullock was half an hin of wine (Numbers 15:10), or about three pints, the hinbeing a sixth part of the bath, which was of the same capacity as the ephah(Ezekiel 45:11).

the house of theLord] See note on 1 Samuel 1:9.

the child was young Lit. "the child was a child." The term is quite vague, and gives no clue to Samuel's age at the time. See however the note on 1 Samuel 1:22.

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