We are not told expressly by what process the selection was made, but it was probably by casting lots. Compare Joshua 7:14 ff. The lot was in common use among all nations of antiquity. It is regarded in Scripture not as a chance decision, but as a legitimate method of ascertaining the divine will (Proverbs 16:33). We read of its being used

(1) To select an attacking force (Judges 20:9-10).

(2) For the allotment of conquered territory or spoil (Joshua 18:10; cp. Joel 3:3).

(3) To detect criminals (Joshua 7:14; 1 Samuel 14:42).

(4) For the choice of officers, &c. (1 Chronicles 24:5; Luke 1:9; Acts 1:26).

(5) For the selection of the scape-goat (Leviticus 16:8; Leviticus 16:10).

(6) For the settlement of disputes generally (Proverbs 18:18).

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