that there is none like him among all the people Stress is again laid on Saul's imposing stature as a natural qualification for his office. He was "a princely person and of a majestic aspect." See note on 1 Samuel 9:2.

God save the king Lit. "Let the king live." Vulg. "Vivat Rex:" and so the Fr. "Vive le Roi," and so Wyclif: "Lyve the kyng." Cp. 1 Kings 1:25; 1 Kings 1:34; 1 Kings 1:39; 2Ki 11:12; 2 Chronicles 23:11. The familiar phrase of the E. V. appears to occur first in the Genevan Bible (1560). Coverdale (1535) has "God save the new kynge." It was probably adopted from the liturgical response, "O Lord save the king" (Domine salvum fac regem), which is taken from the Vulgate version of Psalms 20:9.

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