1 Samuel 12:1-25. Samuel's farewell address to the people

The assembly at Gilgal marks an important epoch in Jewish history. It ratified the work of the assembly at Mizpah, finally closed the period of the Judges, and formally inaugurated the New Monarchy. Samuel, though he was still to retain his influence and authority as Prophet, now resigned his office as Judge, and in doing so delivered a solemn address to the assembled people.

(a) He challenges them to impeach his official purity (1 Samuel 12:1-3), and is answered by the unanimous confirmation of his integrity (1 Samuel 12:4-5). (b) Recalling Jehovah's past mercies, he upbraids them with unbelief and ingratitude in demanding a king (1 Samuel 12:6-12). (c) And now their future depends upon their bearing towards Jehovah, in confirmation of which he appeals to a miraculous sign (1 Samuel 12:13-18). (d) Finally Samuel consoles the terrified people (1 Samuel 12:19), by assuring them of Jehovah's faithfulness 1 Samuel 12:, and his own continued intercession (1 Samuel 12:23), and concludes with a reiterated warning (1 Samuel 12:24-25).

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