until thou come to the valley Heb. gai, "the ravine," as in 1 Samuel 17:3. But the ravine which separated the armies could not tie the terminus of the Philistine flight, and it seems most probable that gaiis a copyist's error for Gath, which is the reading of the Sept. (B). Shaaraimis mentioned in Joshua 15:35-36 in connexion with Sochoh and Azekah among the towns of Judah. It is perhaps to be placed at Tell-Zakarîya, a conspicuous hill on the southern side of the main valley, between Shuweikeh(Sochoh) and Tell-es-Sâfi(Gath), exactly in the line which the Philistine flight would naturally take. It must originally have been an important outpost for Judah against Gath, but was now no doubt in the hands of the Philistines.

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