1 Samuel 22:1

1 Samuel 22:1-5. David's band of Followers 1. _the cave Adullam_ Rather, THE CAVE OF ADULLAM. Adullam was an ancient royal city of the Canaanites, in the neighbourhood of Jarmuth, Socoh, Azekah, and Shaaraim, all places in or near the valley of Elah (Joshua 12:15; Joshua 15:35). In this valley, abou... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 22:2

_And every one_, &c. To the cave of Adullam resorted some who were smarting under the oppression of Saul's tyranny; some who were involved in debt through the neglect of the laws concerning usury (Exodus 22:25; Leviticus 25:35-37); some who were in despair at the condition of the kingdom, and desire... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 22:3

_Mizpeh of Moab_ Mentioned here only. Perhaps either the strong rock citadel afterwards known as Kir-Moab, now _Kerak_is meant: or some place not in Moab proper, but on the mountains of Abarim or Pisgah north of the Arnon, which would be more easily accessible from Bethlehem by way of Jericho. The l... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 22:4

_in the hold_ "Hold" = stronghold or fortress: here apparently the Mizpeh of 1 Samuel 22:3. What became of David's parents when he quitted the hold does not appear. A Jewish tradition affirms that the king of Moab betrayed his trust and murdered them, for which David exacted a heavy vengeance when h... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 22:5

_the prophet Gad_ Mentioned here for the first time, and not again till David had come to the throne, when he appears as holding the office of "the king's seer." He was one of the chroniclers of David's reign (1 Chronicles 29:29); helped in the arrangement of the musical services in the Temple (2 Ch... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 22:6-19

Saul's vengeance on the priests of Nob 6. _that David was discovered_ Lit. "was known." Saul found out that some of his courtiers knew of David's hiding-place in the forest of Hareth. _now Saul abode_, &c. Render, NOW SAUL WAS SITTING AT GIBEAH UNDER THE TAMARISK TREE ON THE HEIGHT. We have here a... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 22:7

_ye Benjamites_ Saul appeals to tribal jealousies. Will not David promote his own fellow-tribesmen rather than the Benjamites? _captains of thousands_, &c. The sarcasm of these words gains point, if we may suppose that Saul had just heard of the organization of David's handful of men (1 Chronicles... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 22:9

_Then answered Doeg_ The title of Psalms 52 states that it was composed by David in reference to this occasion. 1 Samuel 22:1 describe such a character as we may well suppose Doeg to have been. His tongue was "a false tongue," because, though the facts he reported were true, he helped to confirm Sau... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 22:10

_he inquired of the Lord for him_ See on 1 Samuel 10:23. This, though not expressly mentioned in ch. 21, was probably the chief object of David's visit, and Ahimelech does not disclaim the charge (1 Samuel 22:15).... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 22:15

_Did I then begin_ THAT DAY DID I BEGIN, &c.? The stress is upon these words. Ahimelech pleads that there was no harm in doing as he had often done before. _be it far from me_ To plot against the king. _knew nothing of all this_ Was in no way a party to the alleged conspiracy.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 22:17

_the footmen_ Lit. "the runners." See on ch. 1 Samuel 8:11; and for their employment as executioners comp. 2 Kings 10:25 (E. V. _guard_). _would not put forth their hand_ They shrank from executing a command at once so cold-blooded and sacrilegious.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 22:18

_that did wear a linen ephod_ See on 1 Samuel 2:18. The distinctive priestly dress should have reminded Saul of the sacredness of their persons.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 22:19

_And Nob_, &c. In the madness of his self-willed fury Saul wreaked upon an innocent city in his own kingdom the vengeance he had failed to execute upon a guilty heathen nation at God's command (1 Samuel 15:3). Thus the doom upon the house of Eli (1 Samuel 2:31) received a fresh fulfilment. So heavy... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Samuel 22:20-23

Abiathar's escape to David 20. _Abiathar_ Possibly Abiathar had remained at Nob in charge of the Tabernacle, and got timely warning of the approach of Doeg's ruffians. Henceforward he was the companion of David's wanderings, and helped him by "inquiring of the Lord" for him (1 Samuel 23:9; 1 Samuel... [ Continue Reading ]

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