Saul's vengeance on the priests of Nob

6. that David was discovered Lit. "was known." Saul found out that some of his courtiers knew of David's hiding-place in the forest of Hareth.

now Saul abode, &c. Render, Now saul was sitting at Gibeah under the tamarisk tree on the height. We have here a vivid picture of a solemn conclave met to deliberate on affairs of state or to administer justice. The king sits in state under some venerable tamarisk (cp. 1 Samuel 14:2; Judges 4:5); his spear, the emblem of royalty (see on 1 Samuel 18:10), is in his hand; his servants, still chiefly the men of his own tribe (1 Samuel 22:7), stand round him.

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