Abigail made haste, and took A store of provisions was prepared for the shearing feast (1 Samuel 25:11). For the different items of the present compare 2 Samuel 16:1; 1 Chronicles 12:40.

two bottles of wine Skins, holding a considerable quantity. Ziba only brought one "bottle" of wine for David in his flight (2 Samuel 16:1). Those now used in the East are made of kid, goat, or ox skins, according to the size required.

five measures of parched corn See on 1 Samuel 17:17. The "measure" (Heb. seah) contained one third of an ephah. See on 1 Samuel 1:24. Parched corn was only a delicacy, which accounts for the comparatively small quantity.

clusters of raisins Lumps of dried grapes. The vineyards near Hebron still produce the largest and best grapes in all the country, and the finest of them are dried as raisins. Robinson's Bibl. Res. I. 214, II. 81.

cakes of figs Figs dried and compressed. They still grow in abundance in the neighbourhood of Hebron.

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