Whither The Heb. word does not mean whither, and must be emended. It is best to follow the Sept. and Vulg. in reading "against whom."

have ye made a road The same word as that translated "invaded" in 1 Samuel 27:8. "Road" means a plundering excursion or raid, from A.-S. râd, a riding. Compare the compound in- road. "Him hee named, who at that time was absent, making roadesupon the Lacedemonians." Sidney's Arcadia.

the Jerahmeelites Descendants of Jerahmeel the son of Hezron (1 Chronicles 2:9; 1 Chronicles 2:25), who were settled on the southern frontier of Judah, apparently as an independent tribe. Cp. 1 Samuel 30:29.

the Kenites Who were in alliance with the Israelites. See on 1 Samuel 15:6.

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