And David smote, &c. He reached the neighbourhood of their camp in the evening, and found them scattered about in disorder, carousing over the spoil. As soon as the morning began to dawn he attacked them (cp. 1 Samuel 11:11), and the fight lasted till nightfall. After the first surprise, the Amalekites made a stubborn resistance.

the evening of the next day The battle can scarcely have lasted two whole days. If the reading is right, the phrase the evening towards the morrowmay denote the evening with which the next day commenced, Jewish days being reckoned from sunset to sunset, so that the fight lasted from early dawn till past sunset.

young men Perhaps servant, as in 1 Samuel 16:18. The Amalekites were famous for camels. Cp. Judges 7:12; 1 Samuel 15:3.

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