Bethel Not the well known Bethel in the tribe of Benjamin, but Bethulor Bethuel, called also Chesil, a city in the neighbourhood of Ziklag and Hormah, originally assigned to Judah, and subsequently transferred to Simeon (Joshua 15:30; Joshua 19:4; 1 Chronicles 4:30).

south Ramoth Ramoth-Negeb, or Ramoth in the south country, as distinguished from Ramoth Gilead, is probably the same as Ramath-Negebin Joshua 19:8. Perhaps "Shimei the Ramathite," the overseer of David's vineyards, came from it (1 Chronicles 27:27).

Jattir A priestly city in the mountains of Judah (Joshua 15:48; Joshua 21:14), probably the modern Attîr, 4½ miles S.W. of Eshtemoa. It may have been the native place of David's heroes Ira and Gareb the Ithrites(2 Samuel 23:38).

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