"Do not set a new convert to rule in high place lest -pride come" again -before a fall" as in Satan's case: and again, let your ruler be one at whom the world can throw no stone; or its reproaches will do harm and may drive him back into his old sins."

Not a novice Lit. -a neophyte," a new convert. The objection raised against the authenticity of the Epistle from this verse cannot be sustained when the later date is granted, since we get a period of twelve years from a.d. 54, the commencement of St Paul's three years" work at Ephesus, to a.d. 66, the most probable date for this Epistle. See Introduction, ch. 6 fin.

lifted up with pride Rather, puffed up. See note on 1 Timothy 6:4.

the condemnation of the devil The same condemnation as that under which the devil came for pride; objective genitive. Compare -… what time his pride Had cast him out of heaven, with all his host Of rebel angels." Milton, Par. Lost, I. 36.

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