which some professing -Which," this misnamed Gnosis. - Professing" has occurred in this sense 1 Timothy 2:10.

have erred Lit., -missed the mark," as 1 Timothy 1:6 and 2 Timothy 2:18; aorist as 1 Timothy 6:10.

the faith As above, 1 Timothy 6:10.

Grace be with thee ms. authority gives the plural with you, as at the end of 2 Tim. and Titus; the Apostolic benediction being sent through the delegate episcopus to his Church.

There is, of course, no sufficient authority for the Subscription, which (like the Subscriptions to the other epistles of St Paul) is ascribed to Bp Euthalius (5th cent.) and is therefore later than the best mss. The Alexandrian and Sinaitic mss. read only First Epistle to Timothy. Its statement that the letter was written from Laodicea is supposed to be drawn from Colossians 4:16. See the paraphrase of Erasmus: -vicissim vos legatis epistolam quae Timotheo scripta fuit ex Laodicensium urbe." But Bp Lightfoot, Coloss. p. 343, gives strong reasons against this identification; (1) that St Paul had not ever been at Laodicea, indeed had been long a prisoner either at Cæsarea or Rome, when he wrote to the Colossians; (2) that Timothy bears many proofs of having been written elsewhere than at Laodicea, and of being separated by an interval of some years at least from the Colossian letter.

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