And having food Rather, but; the opposite, positive view of life. The words for -food" and -raiment" are both unused in N.T. except here; both are in the plural, indicating -supplies of," for each mouth to be fed, each household to be clothed.

raiment A rather out-of-the-way word for -clothing," if we go by the use found once in Aristotle and once in Josephus, Ar. Pol. vii. 17; Jos. B. J. ii. 8. 5: literally, -covering;" and so R.V., perhaps merely to keep an unusualnessof phrase. But the meaning -shelter," tent or roof-covering, has been also assigned, from the root word having a more common turn towards this; and -covering" may have been chosen to include this, if not to express it alone. But the immediate context in 1 Timothy 6:7 favours the reference to merely personalpossessions such as dress.

let us be therewith content The verb is future passive, we shall be therewith content, as R.V.; hardly an impliedexhortation, but -we shall, if we are godly." This rendering is preferable to that in the margin of R.V. -in these we shall have enough" from the similar use of the passive, Luke 3:14, -be content with your wages;" Hebrews 13:5, -content with such things as ye have." The connexion of the word with -contentment" above should also be maintained.

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