2 Chronicles 1:1

2 Chronicles 1:1-6 (cp. 1 Kings 3:4). Solomon's great Sacrifice at Gibeon 1. _was strengthened_ or, _strengthened himself_, a favourite expression of the Chronicler; cp. 2 Chronicles 12:13; 2 Chronicles 13:21 (_waxed mighty_); 2Ch 17:1; 2 Chronicles 23:1, etc.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 1:3

_and all the congregation_ The attendance of the chief representatives of the people at the great sacrifice with which Solomon seems to have inaugurated his reign is probable in itself, but it is passed over in the brief notice in 1 Kings 3:4. _at Gibeon_ Cp. 1 Chronicles 16:39; 1 Chronicles 21:29;... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 1:5

BEZALEL] See Exodus 31:2; Exodus 38:1-7. _he put_ R.V. WAS THERE. In the Hebrew the position of a point makes the difference between these two translations. _sought_unto _it_ See 1 Chronicles 28:8, note.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 1:6

_went up thither_ R.V. mg., _offered there_. It is to be noted that the Chronicler does not ignore the exercise of priestly functions by Solomon, though such exercise must have seemed wrong in his eyes, but follows his authority (1 Kings 3:4) without adding any explanation.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 1:9

_thy promise_ Cp. 1 Chronicles 22:9 ff. Perhaps the particular reference is to the first words of 1 Chronicles 22:12, which may be translated as a promise, _Surely the Lord will give thee wisdom and understanding_.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 1:10

_go out and come in_ The phrase denotes the transaction of business of all kinds. _judge_ Although every village by its headmen dispensed its own justice to its inhabitants, yet enough cases too hard for local decision remained over to make the king's judicial functions of very great importance; cp... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 1:12

_wisdom and knowledge_is _granted unto thee_ The incident illustrates the principle, _To him that hath shall be given_; Solomon had wisdom enough to offer a wise prayer; increase of wisdom followed as the answer to the prayer.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 1:13

from his journey _to the high place that_was _at Gibeon_ This clause yields no sense in the Hebrew and is probably a misplaced gloss. Read simply, THEN SOLOMON CAME TO JERUSALEM (cp. 1 Kings 3:15).... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 1:14-1

(1 Kings 10:26-29). Solomon's Horses and Chariots 14. _the chariot cities_ The greater part of Palestine is unsuitable for the evolutions of chariots, but flat country is found along the coast of the Mediterranean, in the plain of Esdrelon, and east of Jordan, and in these three districts the chari... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 1:15

_at Jerusalem_as plenteous _as stones_ R.V. TO BE AT JERUSALEM AS STONES. In Kings this is asserted of silver only. Jerusalem is one of the stoniest places in the world. _the sycomore trees_ LXX. συκαμίνους (but Luke 19:4 συκομορέα). See 1 Chronicles 27:28, note. _vale_ R.V. LOWLAND, i.e. the stre... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 1:16

_And Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt_ R.V. AND THE HORSES WHICH SOLOMON HAD WERE BROUGHT OUT OF EGYPT. Egypt is an agricultural not a pastoral country; it lacks the broad plains suitable for the rearing of large numbers of horses. Egypt was therefore probably only the market; the raising gro... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 1:17

_and so brought they out_horses … _by their means_ i.e. by means of Solomon's merchants horses were exported for the kings of the Hittites and of Syria.... [ Continue Reading ]

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