2 Chronicles 27:1

2 Chronicles 27:1-6 (cp. 2 Kings 15:32-35). Jotham Succeeds 1. _he reigned sixteen years_ It is probable that the independent reign of Jotham was shorter than this, indeed if Azariah (Uzziah) be really mentioned (cp. 2 Chronicles 26:1, note) on an inscription of Tiglath-Pileser III. of b.c. 740, Jo... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 27:2

_howbeit he entered not into the temple of the Lord_ Kings has a different limitation, viz., "howbeit the high places were not removed." _did yet corruptly_ In Kings, "sacrificed and burnt incense still in the high places.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 27:3

_the high gate_ R.V. THE UPPER GATE; cp. 2 Chronicles 23:20. _Ophel_ Cp. 2 Chronicles 33:14; Nehemiah 3:26-27. It was a southern spur of the Temple Hill. _Bädeker_, p. 21.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 27:5

_the Ammonites_ Cp. 2 Chronicles 20:1 ff.; 2 Chronicles 26:8. _an hundred talents of silver_ Cp. 2 Kings 23:33. _measures_ Heb. _côrîm. A côr_(a _ḥômer_, Ezekiel 45:14, R.V.) was a dry measure holding 393.9 litres. _pay unto him, both the second year, and the third_ R.V. RENDER UNTO HIM, IN THE S... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 27:7

7 9 (2 Kings 15:36-38). The Summary of Jotham's Reign 7. _all his wars_ Only a war with Ammon is mentioned above, but according to 2 Kings 15:37 the Syro-Ephraimite war also began in Jotham's reign. _the book of the kings_ Cp. 2 Chronicles 25:26, and see Introduction, § 5.... [ Continue Reading ]

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