all the mightymen] In number 185,000 according to 2 Kings 19:35 and Isaiah 37:36. The agency was probably the plague, which is pictured as a destroying angel in 2 Samuel 24:16.

And when he was come The murder of Sennacherib did not occur till some 20 years after his Judæan expedition (circ. 701 b.c.), i.e. not till 681 b.c.

they that came forth Render, some (or one) that came forth. The Chronicler no doubt follows Isaiah 37:38, "Adrammelech and Sharezer his sonssmote him"; but the accuracy of the present text of this passage of Isaiah is doubtful, for in the parallel passage (2 Kings 19:37, C'thib) the words his sonsare missing. The only notice of Sennacherib's death known to us at present from the Inscriptions is simply "Sennacherib king of Assyria his son (sing.) slew him in a revolt." No name is given to this son. (Schrader, Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek, vol. 11., p. 281).

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