2 Chronicles 33:1
2 Chronicles 33:1-10 (Cp. 2 Kings 21:1-16). Manasseh's Reign. His Apostasy 1. _in Jerusalem_ The Chronicler omits here the name of Manasseh's mother, _Hephzi-bah_.... [ Continue Reading ]
2 Chronicles 33:1-10 (Cp. 2 Kings 21:1-16). Manasseh's Reign. His Apostasy 1. _in Jerusalem_ The Chronicler omits here the name of Manasseh's mother, _Hephzi-bah_.... [ Continue Reading ]
_But did … like unto_ R.V. AND HE DID … AFTER (so 2 Kin.). _had cast out_ R.V. CAST OUT (so 2 Kin.). The Hebrew of 2 Chronicles 33:2 exactly corresponds in Chron. and 2 Kin.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Baalim_ R.V. THE BAALIM. Baal was the title of the supreme God of the Canaanites, who was worshipped in different places under somewhat different aspects; hence the plural ("Baalim") here. The altars would be distributed through the country to suit the convenience of the people. _groves_ R.V. ASHE... [ Continue Reading ]
_shall my name be for ever_ Cp. 2 Chronicles 7:16.... [ Continue Reading ]
_the two courts_ Cp. 2 Chronicles 4:9, (note).... [ Continue Reading ]
_And he caused_ R.V. HE ALSO MADE. There is stress on the pronoun "He" (that wicked one!). _to pass through the fire_ Cp. 2 Chronicles 28:3, note. _in the valley of the son of Hinnom_ Cp. Jeremiah 7:31-32. _observed times_ R.V. PRACTISED AUGURY. The precise meaning of the Heb. word (_-ônçn_) is q... [ Continue Reading ]
_a carved image, the idol_ R.V. THE GRAVEN IMAGE OF THE IDOL. In 2 Kings 21:7, R.V. "the graven image of Asherah." For Asherah cp. 2 Chronicles 15:16 (note). _had said … before all_ R.V. SAID … OUT OF ALL (as 2 Kin.).... [ Continue Reading ]
_from out of_ R.V. FROM OFF. _so that they will take heed_ R.V. IF ONLY THEY WILL OBSERVE (as 2 Kin.). _according to the whole law_ R.V. EVEN ALL THE LAW.... [ Continue Reading ]
and _to do worse than the heathen_ R.V. SO THAT THEY DID EVIL MORE THAN DID THE NATIONS. Cp. Jeremiah 15:4, where the captivity itself is referred back for its cause to the evil deeds of Manasseh.... [ Continue Reading ]
_the Lord spake_ i.e. by prophets; cp. 2 Kings 21:10-15.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Assyria_ No Assyrian inscription at present known speaks of the captivity of Manasseh, but we have monumental evidence that there was a great insurrection against Asshur-bani-pal, the grandson of Sennacherib, in which Western Asia (and _perhaps_Manasseh) was involved. The restoration of Manasseh af... [ Continue Reading ]
(not in 2 Kin.). The Punishment of Manasseh, and his Repentance For a discussion of the historical probabilities of this account see the Introduction, § 8.... [ Continue Reading ]
_affliction_ R.V. DISTRESS, as in 2 Chronicles 28:22.... [ Continue Reading ]
_fathers, and prayed_ R.V. FATHERS. AND HE PRAYED.... [ Continue Reading ]
(not in 2 Kin.). The Later Deeds of Manasseh 14. _a wall without the city_ R.V. AN OUTER WALL TO THE CITY. _even to the entering in_ Or, "and [on the west] of the entering in." _and compassed about_ R.V. AND HE COMPASSED ABOUT. _Ophel_ Cp. 2 Chronicles 27:3 (note). _and put captains of war_ R.V... [ Continue Reading ]
_the idol_ Cp. 2 Chronicles 33:7.... [ Continue Reading ]
_he repaired_ R.V. HE BUILT UP; the Hebrew word for "build" meaning also "rebuild." Cp. 2 Chronicles 11:5, note. _peace offerings_ Cp. 1 Chronicles 16:1 (note). _commanded Judah_ Cp. 2 Chronicles 33:9; 2 Kings 21:11.... [ Continue Reading ]
yet … _only_ R.V. BUT ONLY.… Cp. 2 Chronicles 32:12, note.... [ Continue Reading ]
(cp. 2 Kings 21:17-18). The Epilogue of Manasseh's Reign 18. _his prayer_ A _Prayer of Manasses_is given in a collection of hymns appended to the Psalter in the Alexandrine MS. (A) of the LXX.; it is also found in the Latin Vulgate, though the translation is not by Jerome. In the English editions o... [ Continue Reading ]
_groves and graven images, before he was humbled_ R.V. THE ASHERIM AND THE GRAVEN IMAGES, BEFORE HE HUMBLED HIMSELF. _among the sayings of the seers_ Render, IN THE HISTORY OF HIS SEERS; cp. R.V. mg. and LXX., slightly emending the Hebrew text. To take the Heb. word (_ḥôzai_) as a proper name (so R... [ Continue Reading ]
in _his own house_ i.e. as in 2 Kin. "in the garden of his own house.... [ Continue Reading ]
(2 Kings 21:19-26). Amon's short Reign. Josiah succeeds him 21. _in Jerusalem_ The Chronicler omits here Amon's mother's name; cp. 2 Chronicles 33:1.... [ Continue Reading ]
_But he did_ R.V. AND HE DID. _for Amon … carved images_ R.V. AND AMON … GRAVEN IMAGES (as in 2 Chronicles 33:19).... [ Continue Reading ]
_and humbled_ R.V. AND HE HUMBLED. This ver. is not in 2 Kin. _but Amon_ R.V. BUT THIS SAME AMON; cp. 2 Chronicles 28:12 (note). _trespassed_ Render, BECAME GUILTY (so R.V. mg.); cp. 2 Chronicles 19:10; 2Ch 24:18; 2 Chronicles 28:10; 2 Chronicles 28:13.... [ Continue Reading ]
_slew_ Render, SMOTE. The Hebrew word suggests perhaps that there was a conflict between the people and the conspirators.... [ Continue Reading ]