And when they came … they delivered R.V. And they came … and delivered. The matter is somewhat differently stated in 2 Kin. according to which they are sent to Hilkiah with a message to him to "sum" i.e. to reckon the total of the money collected in the Temple.

the Levites that kept the doors R.V. the Levites, the keepers of the door. In 2 Kings 12:9 the keepers of the doors are called priests; cp. ib.2 Kings 25:18.

of the hand of Manassehetc.] In 2 Kin. simply "of the people."

and they returnedto Jerusalem R.V. and of the inhabitants of Jerusalem. The A.V. (cp. for the meaning of this rendering, 2 Chronicles 24:5) follows one reading of the Hebrew (the Ḳ"rî), the R.V., in agreement with the LXX., follows the other reading (C'thib).

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