2 Chronicles 9:1

2 Chronicles 9:1-12 (1 Kings 10:1-13). The Visit of the Queen of Sheba 1. _Sheba_ An important district in Arabia Felix, the seat of a kingdom. Psalms 72:10. _hard questions_ Heb. _ḥidoth_, "dark sayings" (Proverbs 1:6); the sing. is translated "riddle" (Judges 14:12-18). _a very great company_ R... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:4

_and their apparel_ The phrase is repeated probably through an error of transcription; it occurs once only in the parallel place in 1 Kin. _his ascent by which he went up_ Render (if the text be sound), HIS MANNER OF GOING UP, i.e. the pomp with which he went up (so Targ.); but LXX. and Pesh. give,... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:8

_on his throne_ The Israelite throne is _God's_; the visible king occupies it only as a deputy. Cp. 1 Chronicles 28:5 ("the throne of the kingdom of the Lord"); _ibid_. 1 Chronicles 29:23 ("Solomon sat on the throne of the Lord").... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:9

_an hundred and twenty talents of gold_ A sum so large must be regarded rather as _tribute_than as a complimentary gift. _any such spice_ i.e. as in 1 Kin. "such _abundance_of spices.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:11

_terraces_ Perhaps "raised paths." In 1 Kings 10:12 a different Heb. word is used, which means probably "railings" ("pillars," A.V.). _psalteries_ Cp. 1 Chronicles 13:8 (note). _in the land of Judah_ Here the Chronicler speaks as a man of his own age. We should expect, _land of Israel_.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:12

_besides_that _which she had brought unto the king_ This means that the king beside returning the queen the value of her presents to him, also gave her additional gifts; cp. 1 Kings 10:13.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:13-2

(1 Kings 10:14-28). Solomon's Greatness 13. _six hundred and threescore and six_ This may be called a "round" number, for a system of counting based on the number _six_was known in ancient times, e.g. among the Assyrians.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:14

_chapmen_ R.V. THE CHAPMEN. The English word means "merchant"; cp. the verb, "to chaffer" and the German "Kaufmann." The Heb. word means "those who go about" as merchants. _governors_ Heb. _Paḥoth_, a word applied specially to governors of provinces of the Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian empires.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:15

_targets_ Heb. _çinnâh_, a word meaning a large shield; cp. 1 Samuel 17:7. On the other hand in 2 Chronicles 9:16 (Heb. _mâgçn_) small shields are meant. The English renderings should be transposed so as to be "shields" in 2 Chronicles 9:15 and "targets" in 2 Chronicles 9:16. _went to one target_ R... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:16

_shields_ See note on 2 Chronicles 9:15. _the house of the forest of Lebanon_ So called probably because it was built of cedar of Lebanon (1 Kings 7:2). It was in Jerusalem and seems to have existed as late as the time of Isaiah (Isaiah 22:8) as an armoury.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:18

_with a footstool of gold_, which were _fastened to the throne_ A quite different detail takes the place of this in 1 Kings 10:19, _and the top of the throne was round behind_. Perhaps both details were found in the original text of Kings. _and stays on each side of the sitting place_ R.V. AND STAY... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:21

_For the king's ships went_to _Tarshish_ R.V. FOR THE KING HAD SHIPS THAT WENT TO TARSHISH. Here the Chronicler misunderstands the parallel passage (1 Kings 10:22, "For the king had at sea _a navy of Tarshish_"). "Navy (or -ships") of Tarshish" is a phrase meaning _large ships fit for long voyages_;... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:24

_his present_ i.e. his tribute. _harness_ R.V. ARMOUR (so Pesh. of 1 Kin. and Targ. of 2 Chr. and 1 Kin.). A less probable rendering is στακτὴ ("oil of myrrh") LXX. (in both places), "myrrh," Pesh. of 2 Chr.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:25

_four thousand stalls for horses and chariots_ In the parallel passage (1 Kings 4:26 = 2 Chronicles 5:6 _Heb._), _forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots_. The meaning of the word rendered "stalls" is quite uncertain. The rendering of the LXX. suggests "brood-mares" as the meaning. _twelve... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:26

_from the river_ R.V. FROM THE RIVER, i.e. the Euphrates. _even unto the land of the Philistines_ The Philistines seem to have been able to keep their independence.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:27

_cedar trees_ Rather, CEDAR WOOD. _sycomore_ i.e. the fig-mulberry, not now a common tree in Palestine; cp. 1 Chronicles 27:28, note. _the low plains_ R.V. THE LOWLAND (Heb. "Shephelah"). See G. A. Smith, _Hist. Geography_, Chap. 10. "The Shephelah.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:29

_the book of Nathan_ Cp. 1 Chronicles 29:29. _Ahijah the Shilonite_ 1 Kings 11:29; 1 Kings 14:2 ff. _Iddo_ Heb. _Jedai_or _Jedo_(probably a mis-spelling); cp. 2Ch 12:15; 2 Chronicles 13:22.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:29-3

(1 Kings 11:41-43). The Epilogue An important section of 1 Kin. (2 Chronicles 11:1-23) giving an account of Solomon's patronage of idolatry and of the troubles of his reign is unnoticed by the Chronicler.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 9:31

_slept with his fathers_ This is not said of David (1 Chronicles 29:28), perhaps because David's father was not a king. _in the city of David_ 1 Chronicles 11:7.... [ Continue Reading ]

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