Seeing then that we have such hope i.e. the hope that the Christian covenant is one of which the glory is permanent.

we use great plainness of speech] Trist(i.e. trust) Wiclif. Boldness, Tyndale and Cranmer. The translation boldness of speechwe owe to the Geneva version. The word means originally (1) fulness or frankness of speech. Hence it comes to mean (2) openness, frankness generally, and hence (3) boldness, intrepidity. The former is the meaning here. St Paul contrasts the fulness and frankness of the Gospel on all matters relating to the future of man with the mysterious silence of the Law (i.e. the books of Moses), which hardly in the most distant manner allude to a future life. It may be remarked that even Jesus Christ himself used much reserve (Matthew 8:4; Matthew 9:30; Matthew 12:16; Matthew 13:10-13; Matthew 16:20; Matthew 17:9) until His work on earth was finished. Then (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15) He decreed that this reserve should cease for ever. "We speak everywhere with freedom, keeping back nothing, concealing nothing, suspecting nothing, but speaking plainly." Chrysostom. "A ministry whose very life is outspokenness and free fearlessness which scorns to take a via mediabecause it is safe in the eyes of the world." Robertson.

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