Therefore we are always confident Because we always possess the inner life of the Spirit, and are therefore always, in a sense, with God.

at home in the body The body (see note on 2 Corinthians 5:4) is really a home, though not a permanent one. "Quamdiu domi sumus in hoc corporis habitaculo." Erasmus.

we are absent from the Lord "God is present with all mankind, because He sustains them by His power; He dwells in them, because -in Him they live, and move, and have their being." He is present with His faithful ones by the greater energy of His Spirit; He lives in them, dwells in their midst, and so within them. But in the meantime He is absent from us, in that He does not yet present Himself to be seen face to face; because as yet we are exiles from His kingdom, and lack the blessed immortality which the Angels, who are with Him, are privileged to enjoy." Calvin.

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