He was a hairy man Literally, -lord, i.e. possessor, of hair". This might equally be used of the long hair of the head and beard, or of the shaggy cloak of hair worn as a garment. But when we know of him who came -in the spirit and power of Elijah" that -his raimentwas of camel's hair and a leathern girdle about his loins", it seems better to accept the expression as a description of Elijah's dress. We know too that the prophets (Zechariah 13:4) did wear a mantle of hair, probably adopted from the garb of this greatest among them, Elijah.

Itis Elijah the Tishbite Though the messengers might not know the prophet, the king, from his father's experience, must have heard a great deal about Elijah, and of his appearance and dress.

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