And his servants arose The Chronicler tells us that the Syrians left the king suffering from -great diseases", perhaps from wounds received in some battle against the Syrians. He adds also that it was because of the blood -of the sonsof Jehoiada" that the conspiracy was formed against Joash. From which it would seem that not Zechariah only but the whole family of Jehoiada had been put to death by the ungrateful king.

slew Joashin the house of Millo R.V. smote Joash at &c. We see from 2 Chronicles that the king was lying sick at this place. So it probably was some royal residence, or some part thereof. On -Millo", the name of some part of the fortifications of Jerusalem, cf. 1 Kings 9:15. Perhaps the place indicated in this verse may have been part of that fortress. The -house of Millo" is mentioned before this, in Judges 9:6, but that passage has no connexion with this. The Hebrew -Beth-Millo", translated -house of Millo", may have been one proper name which we ought to retain without translation, as in so many other words formed with -Beth" as a prefix.

which goeth downto Silla R.V. on the way that goeth down to Silla. The LXX. and other versions take -Silla" as a proper name, but we have no knowledge of it except from this place.

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