and thine heart hath lifted thee up The more usual expression is that -the heart is lifted up". Cf. Deuteronomy 8:14; Deuteronomy 17:20; 2 Chronicles 26:16; Ezekiel 28:2. But when the heart is lifted up, the whole spirit of the man soars toward lofty aims.

gloryof this] R.V. glory thereof. i.e. Of the Edomite conquest.

tarry[R.V. abide] at home The change is to harmonize with the rendering in 2 Chronicles.

why shouldest thou meddle tothy hurt The -meddling" implied by the verb is generally the meddling of contention. Cf. Deuteronomy 2:9 where the A.V. has -contend not with them", and in verses 5 and 19 of the same chapter, where the same word occurs, the R.V. has adopted -contend" instead of -meddle". The order is there given in respect of those nations whom the Israelites are charged to let alone. Hence in this verse R.V. has on the margin -provoke not calamity". Calamity is thus viewed as an enemy, with whom Amaziah was unwisely venturing to go to war.

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