Amaziah's challenge to Joash king of Israel. Answer of Joash. Defeat of Amaziah. Death of Joash (2 Chronicles 25:17-24)

8. Then Amaziah sent messengers to Jehoash The Chronicler gives a history anterior to the challenge of Amaziah, which explains why the king who had been divinely guided before the Edomite expedition was left without the like guidance afterwards. We are told that Amaziah brought back from Edom the gods of the children of Seir and set them up to be his gods, and when a prophet was sent to rebuke him, he threatened the messenger of God with punishment. Upon this the prophet forbare, but left the king with the words, -I know that God hath determined to destroy thee, because thou hast done this and hast not hearkened unto my counsel". The Chronicler also says that before his challenge -Amaziah king of judah took advice", which forces one to think of the counsellors whom Rehoboam listened to at the time of his accession, and by following whom he brought about the revolt of the ten tribes. It may be that the conduct of the Israelitish soldiers whom Amaziah had sent home (see note on verse 7) incited the king of Judah to take some revenge on Israel. In 2 Chronicles (2 Kings 25:13) we read that these men -fell upon the cities of Judah, from Samaria even unto Beth-horon, and smote three thousand of them and took much spoil". The -three thousand" of course means -of the inhabitants". If this attack occurred while Amaziah was on his expedition against Edom, we can better understand his action.

Come, let us look one anotherin the face A figurative expression equivalent to -Let us measure swords", let us test each other's power. It was under all circumstances rash for the smaller power, the king of two tribes, to challenge the king of ten. Moreover if Amaziah had been victorious over Edom, Jehoash had repulsed the Syrians and recovered those portions of the land which had been lost in the time of Jehoahaz.

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