Elisha heals the noxious water at Jericho (Not in Chronicles)

19. And the men of the city These are the ordinary inhabitants. From the sons of the prophets they would gather that Elisha was now gifted with the spirit and power of Elijah. The situation of Jericho, near the passage of the Jordan, was such as to attract a considerable population after it was rebuilt, and for the sake of the prosperity which came to them in other ways they were content to dwell in such an unwholesome place. Now however they saw a hope of benefit and with this thought they came to Elisha. -It is good making use of a prophet while we have him" (Bp Hall).

I[R.V. we] pray thee The Hebrew is a mere interjection. The change in the English is justified because the petitioners were numerous.

the situation ofthis cityis pleasant Jericho was a part of that country which, in Genesis 13:10, is compared to -the garden of the Lord".

the wateris naught This word is of frequent occurrence in the English of the 16th century in the sense of -bad". So too -naughty". Cf. Jeremiah 24:2, -naughty figs". And for -naught" cf. Shakes. As You Like It, I. 2. 68, -The mustard was naught". Much Ado, v. I. 157, -If I do not carve most curiously, say my knife's naught".

and the ground barren R.V. and the land miscarrieth. The R.V. is explained in a margin -casteth her fruit". The evil effect was clearly in consequence of the hurtful water, for the healing of the spring is to bring a remedy for the other evils. It seems therefore that the water was such as caused the trees to shed their fruit prematurely and the cattle which fed on the herbage which it watered to cast their young untimely, and it may be that the mischief extended also to the human beings who drank thereof.

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